Sexus 3, Part II: Rachael
“Is this testing whether I’m a replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?”
(scene from Blade Runner, Rachael’s Voight Kampf Test)
[Sexus 3] is a post-porn cyberpunk performances’ trilogy inspired by the three female replicants of the movie Blade Runner: Zhora, Rachael and Pris. We propose a performance based on a particular re-reading of the Blade Runner Universe. One of the greatly interesting matters we find in the movie (and the book) is the doubt arose about the border ‘human/machine’. From there, we
can deduce another questioning: which are the conditions that produce ‘female replicants’ and ‘male replicants’? Which are the conditions of subjectivity production in these replicants? And, are they not the same for ‘humans’?
The first performance, [Sexus 3: Zhora] is based on the work carried out our first six years of electro-chemical experiments, mixing deconstruction of the ‘sex/gender’ system with the creation of a cyborg synesthesia. A trilogy’s debut based in Zhora, the energy, who sustains the whole herd of Nexus 6 with her work in a nightclub dancer. The second part, which we present here, is the crisis moment. The opportunity for a rupture with our previous work, the search for new formats, investigations and experiments. It´s time for Rachael and the doubt.
With this second part we invite you to doubt your desires. To doubt about this thing inside us that says “I”. We invite you to an Empathy Test.
During the performance the audience is invited to participate interacting with the two performers to create a sound piece through body contact, the flow of fluids and electric stimulation.
The performance is composed by two scenes, in each one we use a different body-sound device: [F(r)iction] & [Empathy Machine].
F[R]ICTION is a DIY synthesizer device that generates sound by body friction. Departing from wired body with prosthetic attachments, Quimera considers prosthetic reversal where the body prosthesis branch out to make contact with its immediate environment. Body sensors via contact through touch, light, bending orvibration are re-evaluated for their maximum impact.
Comprised of various organic and machinistic technologies, F[R]ICTION explores forms of body modification in which the expanding space meets the body in friction. Admit the electronic debris, the flesh merged with the plastic, the wire, the circuit boards, the flesh takes up the space and becomes space. The generative liquid sound flowing through the space composes chaotic imagery as bona fide noise disrupting any narrative linearity that the viewers may wish to construct. Given an open space to move around,
F(R)ICTION appear as a second skin attached to the performer´s body, formed by several sexes with different shapes, textures, colors and sound. The audience is invited to take part in the fluid circulation between the sexes, carrying the liquid and creating a sound piece through body contact.
more info about F(r)iction
– human / machine electricity & video sound feedback –
This device is based on an electric stimulator (EMS), modified to translate the electric signal into sound and video. The participants are invited to touch the performer´s body. This contact alters the electric stimulation intensity. As they attend the involuntary choreographies of the performing bodies, the audience will be subjected to the test of empathizing with them, through the video
& sound generated by the electric discharges.
This a empathy test destined, in this occasion, to humans.
more info about empathy machine
This performance was created in 2015 during residencies in: Emmetrop, Art Centre (Bourges, FR) , Centre d´art Intermédia Databaz (Angoulême, FR) , Sonoscopia, Platform for a experimental music and performance art (Porto, PT).
As well as in numerous moment of doubt throughout pauses and travels made during the last two nomadic years of Quimera Rosa.
The Première was in Emmetrop (Bourges, FR) in November 2015.