Cyborg Post-porn

Cyborg Post-porn



This program is based on a selection of 21 short films post-porn, from Latin America, Europe and North America. A rich array of non-normative sexualities, dissidents bodies that make evidence of an overactive imagination regarding the creation of DIY identities. This diversity echoes with those of the audiovisual genres used for these collective and without copyright creations. This videos selection is based on an open call as well as a selection made by us including videos of Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens, Shu Lea Cheang and Post-Op among others.
These videos have in common to articulate representations / sexual practices around the notion of cyborg, as defined by Donna Haraway: “hybrids, theorised and fabricated of machine and organism”. A totally disruptive cyborg representation in comparison with the sci-fi imaginary made in Hollywood and the war industry… super hu(man) image, stronger, faster, always with more of something… never abnormal, always more of the same, always more of himself… thanks to some hi-tech devices.
Donna Haraway though proposes a concept that escapes an endless list of binomials: public/private, man/woman, human/machine, human/animal, reality/ fiction, hetero/homo, art/science, normal/abnormal…
For this program, we payed special attention to the works where the sexual representations/practices that revolve around the production of denaturalised identities: the hybrid, the wretched, the borderline, the monster, the bastards, the chimerical, the mixed, the abnormal. We are interested in works that treat the techno-organic dimension of the gender, with what Paul B. Preciado has named a “process of prosthetic incorporation”.
artist\curator talk & short films selection by Quimera Rosa


This project was presented and created in the firt time for Rencontres Bandit-Mages 2014, Associantion Emmetrop > It´s time: Carte Blanche à Quimera Rosa, Bourges, FR in november 2014 and presented also in MOB Lisboa, wiht the colaboration of Lobula Colective, in june 2014.






Projection Program
Plug & Play
Author: Kimmik, Pam Vander Pute en Marthe Vab Dessel
Language: none
Country: Belgium, Brussels
Year: 2008
License: Copyleft
Duration: 9’33”
Website: Kimmik, Pam Vander Pute en Marthe Vab Dessel
Synopsis: Made during the Tranformer festival in Brussels: Three cyborgs discover a creative expression of their complex genders and the exciting potential of repetitive movements. They meet in electronic sensuality, in an exchange of cold and warm hugs.
Plug and play- 300 dpi
Power Up
Author: Starlow Prud.
Language: none
Country: Switzerland
Year: 2013
License: anticopyright
Duration: 2’02”
POWER UP gives special abilities to the characters in Mario World.
POWER UP affects sexual desire.
POWER UP turns out to be a bike.
Author: Sandrine Deumier and Alx P.op
Language: French/English
Country: France
Year: 2012
License: none
Duration: 0’55”
Web site: (english version) (french version)
Synopsis: Staging a virtual character confronted with its own irreality, “Un.reality” juxtaposes virtual codes and programs of reality in a kind of fantasized screen which acts as border between two worlds.
Un.reality - 72 dpi
Author: Post-Op
Language: none
Country: Spain
Year: 2005
License: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa) 3.0
Duration: 06’57”
Web site:
Synopsis: Hybrid beings with diverging corporal morphologies gather together for a fun sex party.
Sex Party - 72 dpi
Aproximadamente Tú/ Approximately You
Author: Miroslava Tovar / Jorge Gomez del Campo
Language: none
Country: Mexico, D.F.
Year: 2014
License: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Duration: 3’52”
Synopsis: This video looks at the possibilities for meaningful connections within a system of production which mediates all human interaction through cybernetic systems and the comodification of subjectivity. It looks at the ways that a narcissistic, alienated desire can approximate love.
Champs Opératoires
Author : Anne Goldenberg & Héloïse Prax
Language : Material
Country : Canada
Year : 2014
License : Creative Commons (By)
Duration: 9’42”
Web Site: /
Synopsis: Bodies, places and prosthesis are the operatory fields of the possibles. The frontiers harness each others, in rituals of insertions, sowing, soldering and deliverance. In the margin of the ubisoftian gentrification, ghosts wonder in the windows.
Champs Operatoires- 72 dpi
[Double Bind #3]
Author: Gilivanka Kedzior & Barbara Friedman
Language: English & Russian (English Subtitles)
Country: France
Year: 2013
License: Creative Commons (by nc nd)
Duration: 3’50’’
Web site:
Synopsis: This video illustrates our position against Putin’s brutal anti–‐gay laws.
“I love your eyes, my darling friend,
Their play, so passionate and bright’ning,
When a sudden stare up you send,
And like a heaven–‐blown lightning,
It’d take in all from end to end…”
Fyodor Ivanovich TYUTCHEV, 1836
[ DOUBLE BIND #3 ] - 72ppp
Nostalgia de vos
Author: Goghi&Goghi
Language: none
Country: Italy
Year: 2014
License: Creative Commons
Duration: 4’08”
Web site: /
Synopsis: A stupid jingle becomes the rhythmic excuse to explore a transition in a motel. A love conversation that reaches its final shape of a pornographic consideration on gender. In the meantime, the voyeuristic eye of the observer looks for some kind of secondary sexual feature for fear of uncertainty.
Nostalgia de vos - 72 dpi
¡Vamos a echarnos un palito! / Let us out a stick!
Author: Rurru Mipanochia
Language: none
Country: Mexico City
Year: 2013
License: none
Duration: 2’30”
Web site:
Synopsis: Current representation of a party held by the ancient Nahua tlaxcaltecas; where people that are guilty of great “sexual offenses” felt, they confessed them, and how punishment, they pierced tongue and was inserted into the hole so many sticks as “sex crimes” had been committed. Let us out a stick!
Vamos a echarnos..- 72dpis
Sucktion 014
Author: Hector Acuña
Language: none
Country: Peru
Year: 2014
License: Creative Commons (by)
Duration: 2’10”
Web site:
Synopsis: Sometime somewhere in a non heteronormative future world, oral pleasure among bio-women and bio-men will become so complex and disruptive that sex itself cannot be conceived without prosthetic intervention, in this case, this “cyborg blowjob” reflects anything we have in common with our innermost fear to recognize our own animality.
Sucktion - 72 dpi
Author: Adriana F. Luque, Rebeca Sas, Carla Cias, Eva Luque.
Language: none
Country: Spain
Year: 2014
License: Creative Commons (by-nc-nd)
Duration: 2’47”
Synopsis: We journey into the woman cyborgs mind, taken through a self-inducted fantasy of the deconstruction of all forms. Codes are fragmented through action and new prosthetic mutations that reinvent pleasure are generated. From here on a new sexuality is born, giving place to queer femininities.
Psychofuck -72 dpi
Afección V
Author: Mery Sut
Language: none
Country: Italy/Spain
Year: 2013
License: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Duration: 1’54”
Web site:
Synopsis: This video was born of the collaboration with Sara Galán; for my fascination for the music, for her world, her history and the relationship with her instrument…, capable of tying her and make her free at the same time. This work it’s just my vision, so nearby as sometimes blind.
Afeccion V - 72 dpi
Sint.estesia Eró.gena
Author: aelevadoan // ganesh
Language: none
Country: Argentina/Mexico
Year: 2013
License: Peer Production License (atrribution-sharealike-noncapitalist)
Duration: 4’30”
Web site:
Synopsis: Resignifications of excess, fermentation and decomposition through synthesizing synesthesiac arousals of contrasexuality. Stimulating experiences of hipersensoriality as a political agency of transforming the way we relate to the world: pleasure as a sexoaffective connection of caring and attention.Sintestesia - 300dpi
Ecosexual weddings project
Author: Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle
Language: English (french subtitles)
Country: USA
Year: 2008-2014
Duration: 10′
Web site:
Synopsis: In 2008 produced a big performance art wedding where we invited everyone to take vows with us to “love, honor and cherish the Earth until death brings us closer together forever.” After that day, we identified as ecosexuals. We shifted the metaphor from Earth as a ‘mother,’ to the Earth as a ‘lover’ in order to create a more mutual relationship with nature.
Wedding - 72dpi
Change Name Ceremony’s
Author: Ladyzunga
Language: Spanish (introduction in English)
Country: Colombia
Year: 2013
License: Creative Commons
Duration: 4′
Web site:
Synopsis: Female Name or Male Name…….. or mixed. No no no no, it’s Female or Male……. No, I’m ABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWXYZ the tool, the origin, the genesis… I’m the prostitute, everybody is using me to create, to build, to lie, to love, to …… all. I’m not human. I am nothing and I’m all.
Change Name Ceremony's - 72 dpi-
Sábado de Gloria (Holy Saturday)
Author: Lechedevirgen Trimegisto
Language: Español
Country: México
Year: 2013
License: CC
Duration: 6:22″
Web site: 
Synopsis: “Sábado de Gloria” (Holy Saturday) is a video-performance based in the catholic tradition of the Saturday of Holy Week, also known as the Great Sabbath, Black Saturday, or Easter Eve, is the day after Good Friday. The artist use this metaphor to explore the relation between abjection and the queer body, using body art and catharsis as support. 
Yes, we fuck! (trailer)
Author: Raúl De La Morena, Antonio Centeno
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Country: Spain
Year: Work in progress, started 2012. Trailer 2014
License: copyleft
Duration: 5′
Web site:
Synopsis: Yes, we fuck! is not just a documentary but a project where the process of elaboration serves to forge alliances between different groups working political issues related to the body and sexuality (functional diversity, feminisms, transfeminisms , LGBT, queer, intersex, fat, etc.).
Yes we fuck - 72 dpi
Northporn Capitalismo
Author: armsidea
Language: italien
Country: Italy/Spain
Year: 2011-14
License: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Duration: 2’56”
Web site:
Synopsis: Porn Capitalism is for us a series of disorders: communication becomes merchandise, relationships become links for suspecting, monitoring, blackmailing and submission, human contact is a mere pretext, life becomes a void experience, desire becomes a synthetic drill and the request for being and participating becomes only achievable by the logic of bribery.
Pornocapitalismo - 72 dpi
Oh Kaña!
Author: Collective Performance (Post-Op + Quimera Rosa + Mistress Liar + Dj Doroti)
Language: none
Country: Spain
Year: 2010
License: Creative Commons (by-nc-sa)
Duration: 11’43”
Web site:
Synopsis: Bitches and a mutant cyborg zoo will invade the public space and will make the Ramblas theirs, as Ocaña in his time. Collective Performance made for the exhibition “Ocaña: Action, performance, activism” in the Palau de la Virreina, the Ramblas and the Boquería marketplace, Barcelona.
Oh-Kaña - 72dpi
Elektric ants – fake version
Author: Morphine goes to Tokio
Language: none
Country: Spain
Year: 2014
License: Creative Commons
Duration: 5′
Web Site:
Synopsis: Video-clip inspired by the work of the Japanese comic artist Suehiro Maruo. The video shows a series of practices and games between twins.
Elektric Ants -  300dpi
Neurosex Pornoia. Episode 1 & 2
Author: Abigail Gnash, Eric Pussyboy
Language: English
Country: Germany
Year: 2014 /2015
License: Copyleft
Duration: 7′
Web site:
Synopsis 1: In the first episode of this scifi postporn short film series, Gabriel, a neurosex encoder with a vendetta, has contacted two sources to obtain raw neurological and physiological data from them while they fuck. A nasty surprise awaits all those eager to experience the thrill of the neurosex code.
Synopsis 2: Z_1021 is caught in a spiral of desperation and frustration, imprisoned in a neurologically improved society. The only release for the likes of Z_1021 are the neuroses-codes, which an underground network of users and secret online infrastructure has developed.
Author: Shu Lea Cheang & Co.
Language: none
Country: USA/France
Year: 2009
Duration: 5′ (excerpt from 72′ performance)
Web site:
Synopsis: UKI, a sequel to Cheang’s cyberpunk sci-fi movie I.K.U (2000), is structured both a viral performance and a viral game. I.K.U. tells the story of I.K.U. coders dispatched by GENOM Corp. to collect orgasm data. UKI viral performance made with 18 performers and jammed noises further processes viral body viral codes.
UKI - 72 dpi