Quosmonautas raras fucking in the moon
Viaje post-humano con Cero gravedad
Dejamos la tierra para aullar con la manada cosmonauta
Bajo los adoquines, La Luna!
Performance realizada durante la Silver Wedding on the Rock de Annie Sprinkle & Beth Sthephens.
The EcoWedding-performance-artists/activists meeting
During the last six years, Annie and Beth have been creating interactive performance art weddings in collaboration with various national and international communities. Each wedding event is site specific, has a different focus/purpose, a different theme and colour. The fact that they don’t ask for material gifts for the celebration generates interactivity and the performer’s meeting whose have to create the event. The wedding gifts are ephemeral art pieces, performances, readings, etc. Their weddings gather hundreds of people interested in the same fields: sexuality, ecology and feminism.
CCCB, Centro de cultura contemporáneo de Barcelona. 2011
Fotos by OlgaZ, StrangelFreak, Tea Guarachio.
Performance on the HardCabaret presented by Annie Sprinkle & Beth, Stephens. Barcelona. July 2011